For Excellence
Boston College’s unique contributions to society are driven by academic excellence within a Jesuit, Catholic framework. There are no limits to the reach of our classrooms and labs, where students and faculty effect real change every day. Some of the University’s greatest impact on our communities is led through academic institutes, programs, and initiatives.
Within those spaces, BC faculty are more than instructors—they encourage research and foster creativity and discourse. As mentors, they are the University’s primary drivers of formative education, helping students develop not only intellectually but also personally, ethically, and spiritually. Simply put, faculty are the key to making BC the best academic institution it can be.
$500M Raised
- 50%
As of 09/01/2024
Overwhelmingly, what attracts outstanding faculty to BC and keeps them here are endowed professorships. Recent faculty hires from Cornell, Harvard, Princeton, and New York University—including BC’s first Nobel Prize winner—demonstrate the powerful draw of our mission.
The Soaring Higher campaign will carry this tremendous momentum forward, allowing the University to add top talent to its roster while creating mission-driven resources to support the intersection of ideas and opportunity.
$1.15 billion
goal for academics, including $100 million for Boston College Law School
9 BC Schools
Messina College, a pillar of the pine manor institute for student success, is the newest
For Excellence
Boston College’s unique contributions to society are driven by academic excellence within a Jesuit, Catholic framework. There are no limits to the reach of our classrooms and labs, where students and faculty effect real change every day. Some of the University’s greatest impact on our communities is led through academic institutes, programs, and initiatives.
Within those spaces, BC faculty are more than instructors—they encourage research and foster creativity and discourse. As mentors, they are the University’s primary drivers of formative education, helping students develop not only intellectually but also personally, ethically, and spiritually. Simply put, faculty are the key to making BC the best academic institution it can be.
$490M Raised
- 33%
As of 08/01/2024
Overwhelmingly, what attracts outstanding faculty to BC and keeps them here are endowed professorships. Recent faculty hires from Cornell, Harvard, Princeton, and New York University—including BC’s first Nobel Prize winner—demonstrate the powerful draw of our mission.
The Soaring Higher campaign will carry this tremendous momentum forward, allowing the University to add top talent to its roster while creating mission-driven resources to support the intersection of ideas and opportunity.
$1.15 billion
goal for academics, including $100 million for Boston College Law School
9 BC Schools
“There’s great overlap between BC’s values and my values, especially in the area of commitment to social justice—both in Massachusetts and beyond.”
—Thomas W. Mitchell, the Robert F. Drinan, S.J., Chair and Director of the Initiative on Land, Housing, and Property Rights, Boston College Law School
“We want students to become good discerners who can reflect on their experience in ways that help them make good decisions. We want them to be people who will use all of their skills and talents and gifts to promote the common good, to help create societies in which everybody can flourish.”
—Gregory Kalscheur, S.J., Dean, Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences
“Formation isn’t only for students; I feel I’ve been on my own formation journey for the past 25 years. My dean, the provost, and my colleagues have truly invested in me so that I could continue my own personal and professional growth.”
—Belle Liang, Ascione Faculty Formation Fellow and Professor, Lynch School of Education and Human Development